TY - BOOK AU - Bhatnagar,Suresh AU - Mansoori,Imtiyaj AU - Nigam,Shivani AU - Sultana,Yeasmin TI - Childhood & Growning Up SN - 9789385282843 CY - Meerut PB - R Lall Book Depot N2 - Unit - I Growth and Development Methodological study of the child development Naturalistic Observation, Psycho-physical, Rorschach Ink, Genetic Method. 2. Meaning and Distinction between growth and development, principles and stages of development Scope of child development, embryonic development, Human growth, University questions. 3. Heredity and Environment Arguments, Impact of heredity, educational implications. 4. Theories of development (Piaget's, Bruner's, Erikson's Kohlberg's Freud's Neom, Chomsky, Vygotskuy's Gessell's and Bandura's Theories) Albert Bandura's, Violence, Generative , cognitive Unit - II 5. Physical and motor development Anatomical, Adolescent stage, Physical development, Infancy 6. Social development Infancy, Adolescence, requirements, aesthetic, rewards 7. Emotional Development Adolescence, pre-mature, emotion, modifying 8. Moral development Moral, Neighbouhood 9. Perceptual or Language development Logical reasoning, pre-lingual, competence, disorders, affecting. 10. Childhood and Adolescence Chief Characteristics, common, hints. 11. Congnitive Development Jean Piaget's, comprehension, guidelines, improving 12. Gender roles and gender stereotypes Common Gender, Expression, Conclusion, recommendations, consequences, exercise Unit - III Socialisation agencies and the child 13. Child and childhood in the context of poverty, globalisation and ault culture Mechanisms, reducing, hostages, poverty, welfare, alternative, juvenile, missionaries, exercise, Globalisation 14. Childhood-Similarities and Diversities Self relation, proximal, neglect, slums, health and Nutrition, abuse. 15. Concept of socialization(Family, child rearing practices and its Parenting, establishing, indulgent, child welfare, 16. Peers-Friendship and gender competitions cooperation and conflict, aggression and bullying, peer influences Versus, peers, conclusion 17. School relationship with peers, teacher and staff, teacher expections and school achievements, overage learners and peer relationships Intervention, pressure, preventing, inappropriate, vetting, academic achievement 18. Social, economic and cultural differences in socialisation:Implications for inclusion Socialization, Culture, economic, biology, adapting Unit-IV Childhood : Issues and Concerns 19. Social issues: Counselling of children (Separation of parents, Loss of parents in armed conflict and survivor's of child abuse) psychocounsellor, interdependence, arrangements, theoretical orientations, determining, treatment plan, modalities, unsafe actions, consequences. 20. Health Concerns: Child abuse, rights of child, child obesity, sports activities and yoga classification, socioeconomic, pyramid, macronutrient, prediatric obesity. 21. Equity issues & inclusion (Differentiable street and other marginalised groups, EFA, SSA and RMSA, schemes and programmes of GOI for gender equity and equality in educations. Sarv Sikhsa Abhiyaan, curricula, Pupil-teacher ratios. 22. Protection of child rights (Role and contribution of UNICEF, WHO, National commission for the protection of child rights, National Human Rights commissions, child help lines and NGOs) Strategies, WHO, domestic help, trafficking, complaints, infanticide, protocols, CRC, rehablitation ER -