Learner, Learning & Cognition (Record no. 999)
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fixed length control field | 10906nam a22001577a 4500 |
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Classification number | 370.150 WAL |
Author Name | Walia, J S |
245 ## - TITLE STATEMENT | |
Title | Learner, Learning & Cognition |
Place of publication | Jalandhar |
Name of publisher | Ahim Paul Publishers |
Date of publication | 2011 |
520 ## - SUMMARY, ETC. | |
Summary, etc | UNIT -1<br/><br/>1. Concept (Definition) and Scope of Psychology<br/><br/>2. Relationship of Psychology to teaching-learning or Meaning, Scope Nature, Contribution and Importance (Functions) of Education Psychology and Role of Teacher <br/><br/>(A) Concept and Scope of Educational Psychology <br/>(B) Nature of Educational Psychology<br/> Difference between Educational Psychology and General Psychology <br/> Aims and Objectives of Educational Psychology <br/> Limitations of Educational Psychology <br/>(C) Contribution of Psychology in the Field of Education (Functions and Importance) <br/>(D) Role of Teacher or Utility of Educational Psychology for Teacher or in Teaching-Learning Process<br/><br/>IIA Concept of Teaching and Learning <br/> 1) Concept of Teaching <br/> 2) Concept of Learning<br/> 3) Relationship between Teaching and Learning<br/><br/>IIB Variables in the Teaching Process<br/> 1) The Learning Task (Instructional Objectives)<br/> 2) The Learner Behaviour (Entry Behaviour) <br/> 3) The Teacher Behaviour <br/> 1. Teacher Competence<br/> 2. Teacher Expectations<br/> 3. Teacher Personality <br/> 4. Teacher Styles <br/><br/>3. Methods of Studying Behaviour <br/> (1) Introspection Method <br/> (2) Observation Method <br/> (3) Experimental Method<br/> (4) Clinical Method <br/> <br/> UNIT-II : Development of Learner <br/><br/>4. Human Growth and Development: Meaning, Principles, Difference, Aspects and Factors <br/><br/>(A) Concept or Meaning of Growth and Development <br/>(B) Difference between Growth and Development <br/>(C) General Principles of Growth and Development <br/>(D) Aspects of Development <br/>(E) Factors Influencing Growth and Development <br/><br/>5. Stages and Aspects of Development : Infancy and Late Childhood<br/><br/>(A) Infancy Stage <br/>(B) Late Childhood Stage <br/><br/>6. Adolescence : Stage of Human Development <br/><br/>(A) Meaning of Adolescence <br/>(B) Characteristics of Indian Adolescents : Physical, Emotional, Intellectual and Social <br/>(C) Needs of Indian Adolescents<br/>(D) Special Problems or Dilemmas of Indian Adolescents and Solutions<br/>(E) Difference in the Trends of Growth and Development of Boys and Girls in Adolescence<br/>(F) Implications for Teaching (Education for Adolescents)<br/>(G) Developmental Tasks <br/>(H) Guidance and Counselling for Adolescents (Role of School and Teacher)<br/>(I) Self-concept of Adolescents<br/><br/>7. Concept and Relative Importance or Role of Heredity and Environment in Human Development<br/><br/>8. Physical and Motor Development <br/><br/>9. Emotions and Emotional Maturity<br/><br/>10. Emotional Development <br/><br/>11. Social Development : Ericson <br/> Ericson's Stages of Social Development <br/><br/>12. Cognitive Development (Intellectual Development)<br/> Bruner's Theory of Cognitive Development and Instruction (See Appendix1)<br/> Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development<br/><br/>13. Language Development <br/><br/>14. Moral Development <br/> Stages of Moral Development according to Kohlberg <br/> Piaget's Theory of Moral Development (See Appendix II)<br/><br/><br/> UNIT-III<br/><br/>15. Psychology of Learning <br/><br/>(A) Nature of Learning <br/>(B) Factors Influencing Learning : Personal and Environmental (Task Factors, Method-related Factors, Teacher-related Factors and Miscellaneous Factors)<br/>(C) Process and Outcome of Learning <br/>(D) Domains of Learning: Cognitive, Affective and Psychomotor<br/>(E) Maturation and Learning<br/>(F) Methods of Learning <br/>(G) Theories of Learning and their Educational Implications : <br/> 1. Learning by Trial and Error<br/> 2. Insightful or Gestalt Theory <br/> 3. Classical Conditioning <br/> 4. Operant Conditioning <br/> 5. Roger's and Maslow's Theories of Learning <br/> 6. Learning as Information Processing Theory <br/>(H) Learning Curves <br/>(I) Plateaus<br/>(J) Learning Skills <br/><br/>16. Motivation<br/><br/>(A) Meaning of Motivation <br/>(B) Types of Motivation <br/>(C) Techniques of Enhancing Learner's Motivation <br/>(D) Role of Motivation in Teaching-Learning Process<br/>(E) Factors Influencing Motivation <br/>(F) Theories of Motivation<br/>(G) Achievement Motivation <br/><br/>17. Memory and Forgetting <br/><br/>(A) Nature of Memory <br/>(B) Types of Memory <br/>(C) Factors or Process of Memory<br/>(D) Improvement of Memory (Methods of Memorising)<br/>(E) Information Processing Model of Memory <br/>(F) Meaning and Causes of Forgetting and Methods of Reducing Forgetting <br/>(G) Theories of Forgetting <br/><br/><br/> UNIT-IV <br/><br/>18. Intelligence <br/><br/>(A) Nature of Intelligence <br/>(B) Difference between Creativity and Intelligence <br/>(C) Concept of Emotional Intelligence <br/>(D) Theories of Intelligence with Educational Implications <br/> 1) Unitary Theory <br/> 2) Oligarchic Theory<br/> 3) Thorndike's Multiple Factor Theory <br/> 4) Spearman's Two-Factor Theory <br/> 5) Thurston's Group Factor Theory <br/> 6) Guilford's S.O.I Model <br/> 7) Gardner's Theory <br/>(E) I.Q. : Concept, Constancy, Terman's Classification <br/>(F) Measurement of Intelligence : Verbal, Non-Verb and Performance Tests <br/>(G) Individual Vs. Group Tests of Intelligence <br/>(H) Uses or Applications of Intelligence Tests <br/>(I) Limitations of Intelligence Tests <br/>(J) Characteristics of Good Intelligence Test<br/><br/>19. Creativity and Creative Children <br/><br/>(A) Nature including Meaning and Concept of Creativity <br/>(B) Characteristics of Creative Children<br/>(C) Identification of Creative Children<br/>(D) Role of Teacher in Developing Creativity <br/>(E) Techniques or Methods of Fostering or Development Creativity : <br/> 1) Brain-Storming <br/> 2) Problem Solving<br/> 3) Group Discussion <br/> 4) Play-way<br/> 5) Quiz <br/><br/>20. Adjustment<br/><br/>(A) Meaning of Adjustment <br/>(B) Characteristics of a Well Adjusted Person <br/>(C) Maladjustment : Meaning, Degrees, Detection, Causes and Treatment <br/>(D) Role of Teacher in the Process of Adjustment<br/>(E) Typical forms of Maladjustments : (1) Stealing, (2) Aggressiveness, (3) Excessive Shyness/ Withdrawal Behaviour <br/>(F) Conflicts<br/>(G) Frustration<br/>(H) Adjustment of Defence Mechanism<br/><br/>21. Mental Hygiene<br/><br/>(A) Concept of Mental Health <br/>(B) Concept of Mental Hygiene<br/>(C) Functions of Mental Hygiene <br/>(D) Factors Affecting Mental Health<br/>(F) Factors or causes of Bad Mental Health (Mental Hazards)<br/>(G) Development of Good Mental Health <br/>(I) Factors Causing Dissatisfaction among Teachers <br/>(H) How to Improve Mental Health of Teachers? <br/>(I) Characteristics of Mentally Healthy Teacher <br/><br/>22. Personality <br/><br/>(A) Nature including Meaning of Personality <br/>(B) Integration of Personality <br/>(C) Normal and Abnormal Personality <br/>(D) Types of Personality<br/>(E) Trait Theories of Personality with Educational Implications <br/> 1) Allport's Theory <br/> 2) Cattell's Theory <br/> 3) Eysenck's Theory <br/> 4) Freud's Psychoanalytical Theory<br/>(F) Development of Personality :<br/> 1) Biological Determinants <br/> 2) Socio-Cultural Determinants <br/> 3) Psychological Determinants <br/>(G) Assessment of Personality <br/> 1) Subjective Methods including Personality Inventories <br/> 2) Objective Methods <br/> 3) Projective Techniques <br/><br/>23. Constructivism : Concept, Planning and Development of Learning Experience <br/> 1) Concept of Constructivism <br/> 2) Foundation of Constructivism / Constructivist Approach to Education<br/> 3) Difference between Traditional Classroom and Constructivism / Constructivist Classroom <br/> 4) Planning and Development of Learning Experience / What does Constructivism have to do with Classroom?<br/><br/>1. Principles of Planning and Development of Learning Experience in Constructivism<br/>2. Characteristics that differentiate Constructivism / Constructivist Learning Environment <br/>3. Advantages of Constructivism <br/>4. Implications of for Constructivism Teaching <br/>5. General Educational Applications of Constructivism / Constructivist Theory and Designing Instructions <br/>6. Impact of Constructivism on Learning<br/><br/>24. Interests and Their Assessment <br/> 1) Nature of Interests <br/> 2) Methods of Assessing of Interests <br/> 3) Uses and Limitations of Interest Inventories <br/><br/>25. Aptitudes and Their Assessment <br/> 1) Nature of Aptitudes <br/> 2) Types and Assessing of Aptitudes <br/> 3) Uses and Limitations of Aptitudes <br/><br/>26. Attention: Concept, Types and Educational Implications<br/> 1) Concept of Attention <br/> 2) Types of Attention <br/> 3) Educational Implications of Attention<br/> 4) Classroom Importance of Attention <br/> 5) Difference Between Child and Adult Attention <br/> 6) How to Arouse Attention in the Class? or Educational Implications of Attention<br/><br/>27. Fatigue: Concept, Types and Educational Implications<br/> 1) Concept of Fatigue<br/> 2) Types and Symptoms of Fatigue<br/> 3) Causes and Remedies of Fatigue <br/> 4) Educational Implications of Fatigue <br/><br/>28. Imagination: Meaning, Types and Educational Implications <br/> 1) Meaning of Imagination<br/> 2) Types of Imagination<br/> 3) Memory, Imagination and Perception<br/> 4) Educational Implications of Imagination<br/><br/>29. Thinking Process: Concepts, Tools and Types <br/> 1) Concept of Thinking<br/> 2) Thinking Process<br/> 3) Types of Thinking : 1. Critical Thinking , 2. Convergent Thinking , 3. Divergent Thinking, 4. Lateral Thinking 5. Reflective Thinking <br/> 4. Tools of Thinking <br/> 5. Favorable Factors or Elements of Thinking <br/> 6) Strategies for Developing Thinking <br/><br/>30. Group Dynamics/ Group Learning Strategies<br/> 1) Meaning and Basic Assumptions of Group Dynamics <br/> 2) Group Mind (Group Cohesiveness)<br/> 3) Meaning and Characteristics of a Social Group / Group Mind / Group Cohesiveness<br/> 4) Classroom as a Social Group <br/> 5) Educational Significance / Implications / Importance of Development of Group Mind <br/><br/>31. Sociometry : Uses and Importance <br/> 1) Meaning of Sociometry <br/> 2) Uses, Importance and Limitations of Sociometry <br/><br/>32. Co-operative Learning <br/> 1) Meaning and Characteristics of Co-operative Learning <br/> 2) Basic Assumption and Essential Elements of Co-operative Learning <br/> 3) Advantages and Limitations Co-operative Learning <br/> 4) Suggestions for Co-operative Learning <br/><br/>33. Constructivist Learning <br/> 1) Meaning and Characteristics of Constructivist Learning <br/> 2) Salient Features of Constructivist Learning <br/> 3) Principles of Planning and Development of Learning Experience in Constructivist Learning <br/> 4) Educational Implications of Constructivist Learning Theory<br/><br/><br/>PRACTICUM / SESSIONALS<br/><br/>34. Intelligence Test <br/> <br/>35. Interest Inventory <br/><br/>36. Aptitude Test<br/><br/>37. Personality Test <br/><br/>38. Preparation of a Case Study <br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/> |
Expansion of summary note | . |
Page No | 504p |
Subject | Psychology |
Source of classification or shelving scheme | Dewey Decimal Classification |
Koha item type | General Books |
Withdrawn status | Lost status | Source of classification or shelving scheme | Damaged status | Not for loan | Home library | Current library | Date acquired | Total Checkouts | Total Renewals | Full call number | Barcode | Date last seen | Date checked out | Price effective from | Koha item type |
Dewey Decimal Classification | Guru Nanak College of Education | Guru Nanak College of Education | 24.07.2012 | 42 | 1 | 370.150 WAL | BED0003591 | 05.02.2019 | 31.01.2019 | 24.07.2012 | General Books | ||||
Dewey Decimal Classification | Guru Nanak College of Education | Guru Nanak College of Education | 30.07.2012 | 44 | 1 | 370.150 WAL | BED0003592 | 07.09.2018 | 31.08.2018 | 30.07.2012 | General Books | ||||
Dewey Decimal Classification | Guru Nanak College of Education | Guru Nanak College of Education | 30.07.2012 | 33 | 1 | 370.150 WAL | BED0003473 | 06.02.2019 | 01.02.2019 | 30.07.2012 | General Books | ||||
Dewey Decimal Classification | Guru Nanak College of Education | Guru Nanak College of Education | 30.07.2012 | 33 | 1 | 370.150 WAL | BED0003593 | 22.02.2019 | 19.02.2019 | 30.07.2012 | General Books | ||||
Dewey Decimal Classification | Guru Nanak College of Education | Guru Nanak College of Education | 30.07.2012 | 43 | 370.150 WAL | BED0003474 | 10.05.2019 | 03.05.2019 | 30.07.2012 | General Books | |||||
Dewey Decimal Classification | Guru Nanak College of Education | Guru Nanak College of Education | 30.07.2012 | 36 | 1 | 370.150 WAL | BED0003606 | 26.09.2018 | 20.09.2018 | 30.07.2012 | General Books | ||||
Dewey Decimal Classification | Guru Nanak College of Education | Guru Nanak College of Education | 18.09.2013 | 5 | 370.150 WAL | BED0003590 | 17.05.2017 | 11.02.2015 | 18.09.2013 | General Books |