Technology of Lesson Planning (Record no. 3260)
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fixed length control field | 07212nam a22001937a 4500 |
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fixed length control field | 220620b ||||| |||| 00| 0 eng d |
International Standard Book Number+Amount | 9789355100139 |
Transcribing agency | IK |
Classification number | 372.86 TEC |
Personal name | Bawa, MS |
Relator term | Editor |
Personal name | Chauhan, Sangeeta |
Relator term | Editor |
245 ## - TITLE STATEMENT | |
Title | Technology of Lesson Planning |
Place of publication | Delhi |
Name of publisher | Bookman |
Date of publication | 2022 |
Source of term | Contents: -<br/><br/>1 Planning a Lesson by Dr. M.S. Bawa<br/>1.0 Introduction<br/>1.1 Meaning of Lesson Planning<br/>1.2 Rationale of Lesson Planning<br/>1.3 Purposes of Lesson Planning<br/>1.4 Pre-requisites for Formulation of Lesson Plans<br/>1.5 Conception of Knowledge and the Way It is Acquired<br/>1.6 Steps Involved in Developing a Lesson Plan<br/>1.7 Format for Presentation of Teaching Learning Activities<br/>1.8 Budgeting of Teaching Time<br/>1.9 Recapitulation<br/>1.10 Evaluation<br/>1.11 Home Assignments<br/>1.12 References<br/>1.13 Exercises<br/>References <br/><br/><br/>2 Levels of Educational Objectives by Dr. M.S. Bawa and Prof. Sangeeta Chauhan<br/>2.0 Introduction<br/>2.1 Aims of Education / Overall Educational Objectives<br/>2.2 Stage-wise Objectives of Education (Nursery, Primary,<br/>Upper Primary, Secondary, Senior Secondary and University.)<br/>2.3 Grade-wise Objectives (Classes I to XII)<br/>2.4 Subject-wise Objectives (English, Mathematics, Social Science,<br/>Physical and Biological Sciences, etc.)<br/>2.5 Unit-wise Objectives<br/>2.6 Lesson-wise Objectives<br/>2.7 Exercises<br/>References <br/><br/><br/>3 Taxonomy of Educational Objectives by Dr. M.S. Bawa<br/>3.0 Introduction<br/>3.1 Development of Taxonomies of Educational Objectives<br/>3.2 Educational Objectives in the Cognitive Domain<br/>3.3 Use of Taxonomy of Educational Objectives in the<br/>Cognitive Domain in Practice<br/>3.4 Exercises<br/>3.5 Educational Objectives in the Affective Domain<br/>3.6 Use of Taxonomy of Educational Objectives in<br/>Affective Domain in Practice<br/>3.7 Exercises<br/>3.8 Educational Objectives in the Psychomotor Domain<br/>3.9 Assessment of Psychomotor Objectives<br/>3.10 Use of Taxonomy of Educational Objectives<br/>in Psychomotor Domain in Practice<br/>3.11 Inter-Relationship Between Three Domains<br/>3.12 Usefulness of Taxonomies of Educational Objectives<br/>3.13 Exercises<br/><br/>References<br/><br/><br/><br/>4 Stating Instructional Objectives by Dr. M.S. Bawa<br/>4.0 Introduction<br/>4.1 Types of Instructional Objectives<br/>4.2 Meaning and Characteristics of General Instructional Objective<br/>4.3 Meaning of Behavioural/Specific Instructional Objective<br/>4.4 Distinction Between General Instructional Objective<br/>and Behavioral Instructional Objective<br/>4.5 Relationship Between General Instructional Objectives<br/>and Behavioural Instructional Objectives<br/>4.6 Stating an Objective in Behavioral Terms<br/>4.7 Derivation of Behavioural Instructional Objectives<br/>4.8 Characteristics of Behavioral Instructional Objectives<br/>4.9 Importance of Stating Behavioral Instructional Objectives<br/>in a Lesson Plan<br/>4.10 Common Mistakes that Student Teachers Commit while<br/>Stating Behavioral Instructional Objectives<br/>4.11 Criticism of Behavioural Instructional Objectives/Specific<br/>Instructional Objectives<br/>4.12 Exercises<br/><br/> References<br/><br/><br/><br/>5 Content Analysis and Organization of Content by Dr. M.S. Bawa and Prof. Sangeeta Chauhan<br/>5.0 Introduction<br/>5.1 Meaning of Content Analysis<br/>5.2 Process of Content Analysis<br/>5.3 Presentation of Analyzed Content in Different Formats<br/>5.4 Usefulness of Content Analysis and its Organisation<br/>Into a Structural Form<br/>5.5 Exercises<br/><br/>References<br/><br/> <br/>6 Traditional Teaching Aids by Dr. M.S. Bawa<br/>6.0 Introduction<br/>6.1 Meaning of Teaching Aids and their Classification<br/>6.2 Classification of Traditional Teaching Aids<br/>6.3 Three-Dimensional Teaching Aids<br/>6.4 Two-Dimensional Teaching Aids<br/>6.5 Science and Technology-Based Teaching Aids<br/><br/><br/>References<br/>7 Contemporary Teaching Learning Material by Prof. Sangeeta Chauhan<br/>7.0 Introduction<br/>7.1 Rationale of Using Teaching Learning Material (TLM)<br/>7.2 Digital Textbooks<br/>7.3 Two-Dimensional Materials<br/>7.4 Three-Dimensional Materials<br/>7.5 Games<br/>7.6 Television<br/>7.7 Mobile Applications<br/>7.8 Video<br/>7.9 Podcast<br/>7.10 PowerPoint / Slide Presentations<br/>7.11 Interactive White Board (IWB) / Smart Board<br/>7.12 Computers and Internet<br/>7.13 Live-Stream Multimedia<br/>7.14 WhatsApp<br/>7.15 Web Conferencing<br/>7.16 Blogs and Wikis<br/><br/><br/>References<br/>Web Resources<br/>SECTION B: MODEL LESSON PLANS<br/>UNIT I: TEACHING OF ENGLISH<br/>8 English Language Teaching and The Planning of Lessons by Dr. Veena Kapoor<br/>Is Communicative Method Better?<br/>Problems of Teaching English in India<br/>Lesson Planning<br/>Learning Objectives 116<br/>Teaching and Learning Activities 117<br/>Lesson Plans in Prose and Poetry 119<br/>CLASS VII 120<br/>CLASS XI 130<br/><br/>References<br/><br/><br/><br/>9 Teaching of English in Indian Schools: A Perspective by Prof. Sangeeta Chauhan<br/>Introduction<br/>The Importance of English in Indian Schools<br/>The Conceptual Framework of Teaching English as a Second Language<br/>Overview of Methods and Approaches of Teaching English in Schools<br/>Conceptual Scheme<br/>Future Perspective<br/>Suggestive Lesson Plans of English Grammar<br/>Objectives of Teaching English<br/>General Objectives of Teaching English at Different Levels<br/>Lesson Plan I<br/>Lesson Plan II<br/>Lesson Plan III<br/>Lesson Plan IV<br/><br/> References<br/><br/> <br/><br/> <br/><br/> <br/><br/><br/> <br/><br/>UNIT II: TEACHING OF HINDI<br/><br/>10. हिंदी भाषा शिक्षण by डॉ. नीरज प्रिया<br/><br/> <br/><br/>पाठ योजना I<br/><br/>पाठ योजना II<br/><br/>पाठ योजना III<br/><br/>पाठ योजना IV<br/><br/>पाठ योजना V<br/><br/>पाठ योजना VI<br/><br/> <br/><br/><br/>UNIT III: TEACHING OF INTEGRATED SCIENCE<br/>11 Approach Towards Teaching of Integrated Science at Elementary Level by Dr. Gagandeep Bajaj<br/>Significance of Integrated Science<br/>Teaching of Integrated Science at Elementary Level<br/>Pedagogical Processes<br/><br/>Problem Solving Strategy<br/>Inquiry Learning<br/>Collaborative Learning<br/>Investigatory Projects<br/>References<br/>Outline Structure of Content of the Chapter Microorganisms<br/>Lesson Plan I<br/>Lesson Plan II<br/><br/> <br/><br/><br/>12 Concept Mapping as an Instructional Strategy by Dr. Amit Ahuja<br/>Concept Mapping<br/>References<br/>Lesson Plan I<br/>Lesson Plan II<br/><br/> <br/><br/><br/>UNIT IV: TEACHING OF SOCIAL SCIENCE<br/><br/>13 Approach to Teaching of Social Science at Elementary and Secondary Levels by Dr. Jasmeet Kaur<br/>Nature of Social Science<br/>Objectives of Teaching Social Sciences at Elementary<br/>and Secondary Levels<br/>Challenges Faced in the Teaching of Social Sciences<br/>Pedagogical Processes of Teaching Social Sciences<br/>Role Play<br/>Cooperative Learning Method<br/>Problem Solving Method<br/>Constructivist Approach<br/>Story Telling Method<br/>Discussion Method<br/>References<br/>Outline Structure of Content of the Chapter/Unit<br/>on ‘Understanding Media’<br/>Lesson Plan I<br/>Lesson Plan II<br/><br/> <br/><br/> <br/><br/><br/>UNIT V: TEACHING OF MATHEMATICS<br/>14 Approach to Teaching of Mathematics at Elementary and Secondary Levels by Dr. Nidhi Goel<br/>Nature of Mathematics<br/>Philosophical Nature of Mathematics<br/>Intuitionism<br/>Approach to Teaching of Mathematics<br/><br/>References <br/><br/><br/><br/>Outline Structure of Content of the Chapter/Unit on ‘Integers’<br/>Lesson Plan I<br/>Lesson Plan II<br/>SECTION C: APPENDICES<br/>Appendix I<br/>Appendix II |
300 ## - Page No. | |
Page No | 315p |
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Dewey Decimal Classification | Guru Nanak College of Education | Guru Nanak College of Education | 20.06.2022 | 495.00 | 372.86 TEC | BED0006627 | 20.06.2022 | 495.00 | 20.06.2022 | Reserve Books Section | |||||||
Dewey Decimal Classification | Guru Nanak College of Education | Guru Nanak College of Education | 20.06.2022 | 495.00 | 1 | 372.86 TEC | BED0006628 | 04.11.2022 | 495.00 | 20.06.2022 | Book Bank | 2 | 20.06.2022 | ||||
Dewey Decimal Classification | Guru Nanak College of Education | Guru Nanak College of Education | 20.06.2022 | 495.00 | 3 | 372.86 TEC | BED0006629 | 30.11.2024 | 495.00 | 20.06.2022 | Book Bank | 30.11.2024 | |||||
Dewey Decimal Classification | Guru Nanak College of Education | Guru Nanak College of Education | 20.06.2022 | 495.00 | 372.86 TEC | BED0006630 | 20.06.2022 | 495.00 | 20.06.2022 | Book Bank | |||||||
Dewey Decimal Classification | Guru Nanak College of Education | Guru Nanak College of Education | 20.06.2022 | 495.00 | 372.86 TEC | BED0006631 | 20.06.2022 | 495.00 | 20.06.2022 | Book Bank | |||||||
Dewey Decimal Classification | Guru Nanak College of Education | Guru Nanak College of Education | 20.06.2022 | 495.00 | 372.86 TEC | BED0006632 | 20.06.2022 | 495.00 | 20.06.2022 | Book Bank | |||||||
Dewey Decimal Classification | Guru Nanak College of Education | Guru Nanak College of Education | 20.06.2022 | 495.00 | 372.86 TEC | BED0006633 | 20.06.2022 | 495.00 | 20.06.2022 | Book Bank | |||||||
Dewey Decimal Classification | Guru Nanak College of Education | Guru Nanak College of Education | 20.06.2022 | 495.00 | 3 | 372.86 TEC | BED0006634 | 20.03.2023 | 495.00 | 20.06.2022 | Book Bank | 10.03.2023 | |||||
Dewey Decimal Classification | Guru Nanak College of Education | Guru Nanak College of Education | 20.06.2022 | 495.00 | 372.86 TEC | BED0006635 | 20.06.2022 | 495.00 | 20.06.2022 | Book Bank | |||||||
Dewey Decimal Classification | Guru Nanak College of Education | Guru Nanak College of Education | 20.06.2022 | 495.00 | 2 | 372.86 TEC | BED0006636 | 22.09.2022 | 495.00 | 20.06.2022 | Book Bank | 14.09.2022 |