Philosophical Foundations of Education (Record no. 3124)
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Transcribing agency | IK |
Classification number | 370.089 914 11 NAN |
Author Name | Nandra, Inderdev Singh |
Personal name | Dixit, Mala Sharma |
Personal name | Suman Lata |
Personal name | Yadav, Sapna |
245 ## - TITLE STATEMENT | |
Title | Philosophical Foundations of Education |
Edition | 2nd Revised Edition |
Place of publication | Patiala |
Name of publisher | Twenty First Century |
Date of publication | 2022 |
Source of term | CONTENTS:- <br/>1. EDUCATION: CONCEPT, MEANING AND TYPES OF EDUCATION<br/>1.1 Various Concepts of Education <br/>1.2 Meaning of Education<br/>1.3 Synonyms of Education<br/>1.4 Indian Concept of Education <br/>1.4.1 Criticism/Analysis<br/>1.5 Explanation of Mahatma Gandhi's <br/>1.6 Western Concept of Education<br/><br/>Concept of Education 7<br/>1.7 Redden's Definition of Education<br/>1.7.1 Criticism/Analysis <br/>1.8 Nature/Characteristics of the Concept of Education (Descriptive Approach)<br/>1.9 Scope of Education <br/>1.10 Types of Education<br/>1.10.1 Three Main Types of Education<br/>1.10.2 Difference Between Formal and Informal Education <br/>1.10.3 Difference Between Informal and Non-formal Education<br/>1.10.4 Difference Between Formal and Non-Formal Education<br/>1.10.5 Forms or Other Types of Education<br/>2. AIMS AND DETERMINANTS OF EDUCATION <br/>2.1 Determinants of Aims, Curriculum and Methods of Education<br/>2.2 Aims and Determinations of Education with Reference to Curriculum and Pedagogy<br/>2.2.1 Curriculum<br/>2.2.2 Pedagogy<br/>2.3 Nature of Teaching Methods <br/>2.4 Development of Teaching Methodology<br/>2.5 Determination of Aims of Education with Reference to Curriculum<br/>2.5.1 Philosophical Determines of Curriculum<br/>2.5.2 Sociological Determinants of Curriculumn <br/><br/>2.6 Determinants of the Aims of Education in with<br/>Reference to Pedagogy<br/>2.6.1 Philosophical Determinants of the Pedagogy<br/>(Methods of Teaching) <br/>2.6.2 The Individualised Method<br/>2.7 Philosophical Aims of Education with Reference to Pedagogy (Methods of Teaching) <br/>2.7.1 Sociological Determinants of Methods of Teaching<br/>2.7.2 Characteristics of Methods of Education<br/>2.7.3 Some Sociological Methods of Education<br/>2.8 Sociological Aims of Education with Reference to Pedagogy<br/>3. RELATIONSHIP OF PHILOSOPHY AND EDUCATION<br/>3.1 Meaning of Philosophy 3.1.1 Western Approach to Philosophy<br/>3.1.2 Indian Approach to Philosophy<br/>3.2 Nature of Philosophy <br/>3.3 Areas or Scope of Philosophy<br/>3.4 Branches of Philosophy <br/>3.4.1 Metaphysics<br/>3.4.2 Epistemology<br/>3.4.3 Axiology<br/>3.5 Education and Philosophy <br/>3.5.1 Educational Philosophy and Philosophy of Education<br/>3.5.2 Difference between Educational Philosophy and Philosophy of Education<br/>3.5.3 Relationship between Philosophy and Education <br/>61 3.5.4 Philosophy and Education are Interdependent<br/>3.5.5 Philosophy is dependent on Education <br/>3.5.6 Education is Dependent on Philosophy <br/>3.5.7 Contribution of Philosophy in the Field of Education<br/>3.5.8 Aims of Education and Educational Philosophy <br/>3.5.9 Curriculum of Education and Educational Philosophy<br/>3.5.10 Methods of Teaching and Educational Philosophy <br/>3.5.11 Discipline and Educational Philosophy <br/>3.5.12 Teacher and Educational Philosophy<br/>3.5.13 Learner and Educational Philosophy <br/>3.5.14 Textbooks and Educational Philosophy<br/>3.5.15 Institution and Educational Philosophy<br/><br/>4. INDIAN PERSPECTIVE OF PHILOSOPHY THROUGH VEDAS AND GITA<br/>4.1 Indian Philosophy<br/>4.2 Indian Philosophical Schools<br/>43 Vedas-The Oldest Scriptures <br/>4.3.1 Texts of Vedas<br/>4.3.2 Philosophy of Vedas<br/>4.3.3 Philosophical Perspectives of Vedas<br/>4.4 Gita-Philosophy and Perspectives 4.4.1 Philosophical Perspective of Gita<br/><br/>5. EDUCATION AS A LIBERAL DISCIPLINE AND ITS INTERDISCIPLINARY NATURE<br/>5.1 Liberal Discipline <br/>5.2 Inter-Disciplinary Nature of Education<br/><br/>6. BASIC CONCEPTS IN PHILOSOPHY OF EDUCATION: TEACHING, TRAINING, LEARNING, INQUIRY,<br/>INDOCTRINATION W.R.T. CHILD<br/>6.1 introduction<br/>6.1.1 Education and Learning <br/>6.1.2 Learning Process: Main Steps<br/>6.1.3 Features of Learning<br/>6.2 Education and Teaching<br/>6.3 Education and Training<br/>6.4 Education and Inquiry<br/>6.4.1 Features<br/>6.4.2 Inquiry in relation to child entails<br/>6.5 Education and Indoctrination <br/>6.6. Comparative Study of Basic Concept in Philosophy of Education<br/><br/>7. MEANING OF KNOWLEDGE, REASON, BELIEF<br/><br/>7.1 Meaning of Knowledge<br/><br/>7.1.1 Need of Knowledge <br/>7.1.2 Nature of Knowledge<br/>7.2 Reason<br/>7.2.1 Characteristics of Reason <br/>7.3 Belief<br/>7.3.1 Characteristics of Beliefs<br/><br/>8. SOURCES OF KNOWLEDGE<br/>8.1 Empirical Knowledge<br/>8.2 Rational Knowledge<br/>8.21 Characteristics of Rational Knowledge<br/><br/>8.3 Authentication of Knowledge<br/>8.4 Experience <br/>8.5 Values and ideals<br/><br/>9. VALIDATION OF KNOWLEDGE <br/>-Indian Perspective: Pratyaksha, Praman,<br/>Anuman, Upman and Shabad <br/>-Western Perspective: Perception. Inference, Comparison and Testing<br/>9.1 Validation of Knowledge-Meaning & Definition<br/>9.2 Indian Perspective on Validation of Knowledge <br/>9.3 Western Perspective on Validation of Knowledge<br/>93.1 Validation of Knowledge<br/>10. RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SCHOOL & EDUCATION<br/>AND KNOWLEDGE & SUBJECTS<br/>10.1 Meaning of Education<br/>10.2 Meaning of School<br/>10.3 Importance of School 10.4 Relation between School and Education<br/>10.5 Essential Functions of School as an Agency of Education <br/>10.6 Suggestions to make School an Effective Agency of Education <br/>10.7 Difference Between Education and School<br/>10.8 Relation between School Education. Knowledge and Subjects<br/>11. ASSUMPTIONS ABOUT HUMAN NATURE<br/>11.1 Meaning of Human Nature 112 Characteristics of Human Nature<br/>11.3 Assumptions about Human Nature 11.3.1 Human Beings are Religious by Nature<br/>11.3.2 Human Beings are Social by Nature<br/>11.3.3 Human Beings are Conflictual by Nature 138<br/>12 WESTER SCHOOL OF PHILOSOPHY-II (IDEALISM) 142-157 12.1 Idealism as a Philosophy of Education<br/>12.2 Various Forms of Idealism 123 Features/Principles of Idealism<br/>12.4 Educational Implication of Idealism<br/>12.4.1 Idealism and Aims of Education<br/>12.4.2 Idealism and Content or Curriculum<br/>12.4.3 Idealism and Methods of Education<br/>12.4.4 Idealism and Discipline<br/>12.4.5 Idealism and Teacher<br/>12.4.6 Idealism and School<br/>12.5 Critical Evaluation of Idealism<br/><br/>13. REALISM<br/>13.1 Meaning and Definitions of Realism<br/>13.2 Fundamental Postulates <br/>13.3 Main Tenets of Realism<br/>13.4 Basic Concepts of Realism<br/>13.5 Realism and Education<br/>13.6 Some Basic Principles of Educational Realism <br/>13.7 Impact of Realism on Different Aspects of Education<br/>13.7.1 Realism and Aims of Education<br/>13.7.2 Realism and Curriculum) <br/>13.7.3 Realism and Methods of Teaching<br/>13.7.4 Realism and Discipline<br/>13.7.5 Realism and Teacher <br/>13.7.6 Realism and The Child<br/>13.7.7 Realism and School Organization<br/>13.8 Critical Evaluation<br/>14. NATURALISM<br/>14.1 Meaning and Definitions<br/>14.2 Types of Naturalism<br/>14.3 Main Characteristics of Naturalism<br/>14.4 Basic Feature/Principles of Naturalism <br/>14.5 Naturalism in Education<br/>14.6 Characteristics/Principles Underlying Naturalistic Education<br/>14.7 Educational Implications of Naturalism <br/>14.7.1 Naturalism and Aims of Education<br/>14.7.2 Naturalism and Curriculum<br/>14.7.3 Naturalism and Methods of Teaching <br/>14.7.4 Naturalism and Discipline<br/>14.7.5 Naturalism and Teacher<br/>14.7.6 Naturalism and Women Education<br/>14.8 Evaluation/Criticism of Naturalism<br/><br/>15. PRAGMATISM<br/>15.1 Meaning and Definition of 'Pragmatism'<br/>15.2 Features/Principles/Characteristics of Pragmatism <br/>15.3 Types/Forms of Pragmatism<br/>15.4 Pragmatism and Education <br/>15.5 Educational Implications of Pragmatism in Education <br/>15.5.1 Educational Airs of Pragmatism <br/>15.5.2 Pragmatism and Curriculum/Content<br/>15.5.3 Pragmatic Methods of Education<br/>15.5.4 Pragmatism and Discipline <br/>15.5.5 Pragmatism and Teacher<br/>15.6 Evaluation/Criticism of Pragmatism <br/>15.7 Contributions/Merits of Pragmatism<br/>16. EXISTENTIALISM <br/>16.1 Meaning and Definitions of Existentialism<br/>16.2 Existentialism in philosophy <br/>16.2.1 Existentialism and Metaphysics <br/>16.2.2 Existentialism and Epistemology<br/>16.2.3 Existentialism and Axiology<br/>16.3 Principles/Features/Postulates of Existentialism Education and Existentialism <br/>16.5 Educational Implications of Existentialism<br/>16.5.1 Existentialism and Aims of Education<br/>16.5.2 Existentialism and Content (Curriculum) <br/>16.5.3 Existentialism and Methods of Teaching<br/>16.5.4 Existentialism and Discipline<br/>16.5.5 Existentialism and Role of Teacher<br/>16.5.6 Existentialism and School<br/>16.6 Evaluation/Criticism/Contributions of Existentialism <br/>16.6.1 Contribution/Merits of Existentialism<br/>17. HUMANISM<br/>17.1 Introduction<br/>17.2 Meaning and Definitions of Humanism<br/>17.2.1 Meaning of Humanism<br/>17.2.2 Definition of Humanism <br/>17.3 Characteristics of Humanism<br/>174 Fundamental Principles of Humanism<br/>17.5 Humanism in Education <br/>17.5.1 Humanism and Aims of Education<br/>17.5.2 Humanism and Curriculum<br/>17:53 Humanism and Role of Teacher<br/>17.5.4 Humanism and Methods of Teaching <br/>17.5.5 Humanism and Role of Student<br/>17.5.6 Humanism and Discipline <br/>17.6 Educational Implications of Humanism<br/>18 INDIAN SCHOOL OF PHILOSOPHY -I (SANKHYA YOG) <br/>18.1 Indian Schools of Philosophy <br/>18.2 Sankhya Yog Philosophy<br/>18.3 Meaning of Sankhya Philosophy<br/>18.4 Fundamentals Principles/Postulates/Characteristics of Sankhya Philosophy<br/>18.5 Educational Implications of Sankhya Philosophy<br/>18.5.1 Concept of Education <br/>18.5.2 Sankhya and Aims of Education<br/>18.5.3 Sankhya and Curriculum<br/>18.5.4 Sankhya and Methods of Teaching<br/>18.5.5 Sankhya and Role of Teacher<br/>18.5.6 Sankhya and Discipline<br/>18.5.7 Sankhya and Place of Student <br/>18.5.8 Religious and Moral Education<br/>18.6 Evaluation/Criticism/Contribution Philosophy of Sankhya<br/><br/><br/>19. INDIAN SCHOOL OF PHILOSOPHY-1 (ADVAITA) 243-250<br/>19.1 Brief Life Sketch of Sankara Acharya<br/>19.2 Sankara's Philosophy: Advaitvad <br/>19.2.1 Advaita and Metaphysics <br/>19.2.2 Advaita and Epistemology<br/>19.3 Evaluation of Sankara's Philosophy<br/>19.4 Educational implications of Advaitvad<br/>20 RELEVANCE OF ETHICS AND VALUES FOR TEACHERS, STUDENT AND TEACHER-STUDENT RELATIONSHIP<br/>20.1 Ethics and Values in Teaching<br/>20.2 Relevance of Ethics and Values for Teachers and Students <br/><br/>20.3 Teacher-Students Relationship in Light of Ethics and Values<br/>20.3.1 The Code of Ethics for Teachers<br/>20.3.2 Positive Teacher-Students Relationships 20.3.3 Promotion of Healthy Relationships<br/>21. RELEVANCE OF EDUCATIONAL THOUGHTS OF INDIAN AND WESTERN THINKERS<br/>21.1 Educational thoughts of Indian Thinkers<br/>21.2 Indian Thinkers and Airns of Education <br/>21.3 Indian Thinkers and Pedagogical Practices in the Classroom<br/>21.4 Indian Thinkers and Role of Teacher<br/>21.5 Educational thoughts of Western Thinkers <br/>21.6 Western Thinkers and Aims of Education<br/>21.7 The Aims of Education according to Western Thinkers<br/>21.8 Western Thinkers and Pedagogical Practices in the Classroom<br/>21.9 Westem Thinkers and Role of Teacher<br/>22. CONTRIBUTION OF M.K. GANDHI TO EDUCATIONAL THOUGHT AND PRACTICE<br/>22.1 Introduction 22.2 A Brief Life-Sketch of Mahatma Gandhi<br/>22.3 Gandhi's Philosophy of Life 22.3.1 His Religious Philosophy<br/>22.3.2 His Social Philosophy<br/>22.3.3 His Cultural Philosophy<br/>22.3.4 His Political Philosophy<br/>22.4 Blending of Major Philosophies of Education<br/>22.5 Educational Philosophy of Mahatma Gandhi<br/>22.5.1 His Theoretical Postulates<br/>22.5.2 His Educational Doctrinaire/Philosophy<br/>22.6 Meaning of Education<br/>22.6.1 22.6.2 Gandhi ji and Curriculum Aims of Education<br/>22.6.3 Methods of Teaching<br/>22.6.4 Concept of Discipline <br/>22.6.5 Views About Teacher<br/>22.6.6 Views About Women's Education<br/>22.6.7 Place of Religion in Education<br/>22.7 Basic Education-Meaning <br/>22.7.1 Features of Basic Education<br/>22.7.2 Philosophy Behind Basic Education<br/><br/>22.7.3 Craft-As the Centre of Education<br/>2.7.4 Criticism <br/>22.8 Contribution of Mahatma Gandhi to Education<br/>22.9 Contribution of Gandhian Educational Philosophy (Its Relevance)<br/><br/>23. SRI AUROBINDO GHOSE (1872-1950) <br/>23.1 Brief Life Sketch of Sri Aurobindo<br/>23.2 Most Prominent Features of Aurobindo's Philosophy<br/>23.3 Sri Aurobindo's Main Ideas On Education National System of Education<br/>23.4 23.5 Contribution of Sri Aurobindo to Education <br/>23.6 Select Quotes of Sri Aurobindo on Education<br/>23.7 Meaning of Integral Education<br/>23.8 Two-fold Bases of Integrated Education <br/>24.9 Task of Integral Education<br/>23.10 Measures for Achieving the Ends of Integral Education <br/>24. EDUCATIONAL THOUGHT OF VIVEKANANDA 305-321<br/>24.1 Introduction<br/>24.2 A Brief Life Sketch<br/>24.3 His Philosophy of Life <br/>24.4 Swami Vivekananda's Educational Philosophy<br/>24.4.1 Meaning of Education <br/>24.4.2 Main Ingredients of Education<br/>24.4.3 Aims of Education<br/><br/>24.4.4 Views About Curriculumn<br/>24.4.5 Methods of Teaching <br/>24.4.6 Role/Place of Teacher<br/>24.4.7 Religious Education<br/>24.4.8 Views About Women's Education <br/>24.4.9 Universal Education-Mass Education<br/>24.4.10 Place of Child<br/>24.5 Swami Vivekananda: Man Making Education <br/>24.6 Contribution of Vivekananda In the Field of Education<br/>25. SWAMI DAYANANDA SARASWATI<br/>25.1 Brief Life Sketch<br/>25.2 Philosophical thought of Swami Dayananda<br/>25.3 Educational Thought of Swami Dayananda <br/>25.3.1 Aims of Education<br/>25.3.2 Curriculum<br/>25.3.3 Methodology of Teaching <br/>25.3.4 Teacher-Student Relationship<br/>25.3.5 Discipline<br/>25.3.6 Women Education<br/>25.4 Contribution of Swami Dayananda<br/>26. CONTRIBUTION OF RABINDRANATH TAGORE TO EDUCATIONAL THOUGHT AND PRACTICE<br/>26.1 Introduction<br/>26.2 Brief Life-Sketch <br/>26.3 Tagore's Philosophy of Life<br/>26.4 Basic Principles of His Educational Philosophy<br/>26.5 Tagore's Contribution to Education<br/>26.5.1 Meaning of Education <br/>26.5.2 Aims of Education<br/>26.5.3 Contents of Education (Curriculum)<br/>26.5.4 Methods of Teaching<br/>26.5.5 Concept of Discipline <br/>26.5.6 Role of Teacher<br/>26.6 Tagore's Great Experiment: Shantiniketan<br/>26.6.1 Aims<br/>26.6.2 Constituents of the University<br/>26.6.3 Department of Rural Reconstruction <br/>26.6.4 Characteristics/Features of Shantiniketan<br/>26.7 A Comparative Study Gandhi and Tagore as Educationists<br/>26.7.1 26.7.2 Similarities Dis-similarities<br/>27. EDUCATIONAL THOUGHT OF JIDDU KRISHNAMURTI (1895-1986)<br/>27.1 Introduction <br/>27.2 life Profile of J. Krishnamurti<br/>27.3 J. Krishnamurti's Philosophy of Life<br/>27.4 J. Krishnamurti's Philosophy of Education<br/>27.4.1 Aims of Education <br/>27.4.2 Critical Appraisal of J. Krishnamureti's Philosophy of Education<br/>28. PLATO (427 B.C.-347 B.C.) <br/>28.1 Introduction<br/>28.2 Brief Life Sketch<br/>28.3 Contact with Socrates<br/>28.4 Plato's Visits to Different Countries<br/>28.5 Plato's Academy<br/>28.6 Plato's General Philosophy<br/>28.7 Contribution of Plato to Educational thought and Practice <br/>28.8 Functions of Education<br/>28.9 Aims of Education<br/>28.10 Curriculum<br/>28.11 Methods of teaching<br/>28.12 Discipline<br/>28.13 Role of Teacher<br/>28.14 Summary of Plato's Outstanding contribution to Education<br/>28.15 Shortcomings of Plato's Educational Philosophy<br/>29. CONTRIBUTION OF JEAN JACQUES ROUSSEAU TO EDUCATIONAL THOUGHT AND PRACTICE<br/>29.1 Introduction<br/>29.2 A Brief Life Sketch<br/>29.3 His Philosophy of Life <br/>29.4 Naturalism of Rousseau and Education<br/>(Implications/Contribution to Educational Thought)<br/>29.5 Criticism of Rousseau's Education <br/>29.6 Rousseau's Theory of Negative Education<br/>29.7 Rousseau's Emile and its Importance <br/>29.8 Its Importance<br/>29.9 Rousseau's Contribution to the Field of Education <br/><br/>30. CONTRIBUTION OF JOHN DEWEY IN EDUCATION<br/>30.1 John Dewey's Brief Life Sketch 30.2 Dewey as a Prolific Writer<br/>30.3 Dewey's General Philosophy<br/>30.4 Dewey's Educational Philosophy <br/>30.5 John Dewey on Education<br/>30.6 Contribution of John Dewey to the Educational Thought and Practice<br/>30.7 Comparison of the Educational Philosophies of Gandhi ji and John Dewey<br/>31. PAULO FREIRE (1921-1997): PEDAGOGY OF THE OPPRESSED<br/>31.1 Brief Biography<br/>31.2 Writings and Works <br/>31.3 Summary of the Text<br/>31.4 Criticism of the Book-Pedagogy of the Oppression <br/>31.5 Educational Philosophy of Paulo Freire<br/>31.6 Contribution/Significance/Merits of Paulo Freire's Philosophy of Education<br/>31.7 Relevance of Paulo Freire's Views on Education to Indian Context<br/>31.8 Limitations of Freire's Educational Ideas<br/>28.12 Discipline<br/>28.13 Role of Teacher<br/>28.14 Summary of Plato's Outstanding contribution to Education<br/>28.15 Shortcomings of Plato's Educational Philosophy<br/>29. CONTRIBUTION OF JEAN JACQUES ROUSSEAU TO EDUCATIONAL THOUGHT AND PRACTICE<br/>29.1 Introduction<br/>29.2 A Brief Life Sketch<br/>29.3 His Philosophy of Life <br/>29.4 Naturalism of Rousseau and Education(Implications/Contribution to Educational Thought)<br/>29.5 Criticism of Rousseau's Education <br/>29.6 Rousseau's Theory of Negative Education<br/>29.7 Rousseau's Emile and its Importance <br/>29.8 Its Importance<br/>29.9 Rousseau's Contribution to the Field of Education <br/>30. CONTRIBUTION OF JOHN DEWEY IN EDUCATION<br/>30.1 John Dewey's Brief Life Sketch <br/>30.2 Dewey as a Prolific Writer<br/>30.3 Dewey's General Philosophy<br/>30.4 Dewey's Educational Philosophy <br/>30.5 John Dewey on Education<br/>30.6 Contribution of John Dewey to the Educational Thought and Practice<br/>30.7 Comparison of the Educational Philosophies of Gandhi ji and John Dewey<br/>31. PAULO FREIRE (1921-1997): PEDAGOGY OF THE OPPRESSED<br/>31.1 Brief Biography<br/>31.2 Writings and Works <br/>31.3 Summary of the Text<br/>31.4 Criticism of the Book-Pedagogy of the Oppression <br/>31.5 Educational Philosophy of Paulo Freire<br/>31.6 Contribution/Significance/Merits of Paulo Freire's Philosophy of Education<br/>31.7 Relevance of Paulo Freire's Views on Education to Indian Context<br/>31.8 Limitations of Freire's Educational Ideas<br/><br/><br/>32. FROEBAL (1782-1852)<br/>32.1 Philosophy of Froebel<br/>32.2 Educational Philosophy of Froebel<br/>32.2.1 Aims of Education<br/>32.2.2 Curriculum<br/>32.2.3 Methods of Teaching<br/>32.2.4 Kindergarten Characteristics<br/>32.2.5 Methods to Teaching in the Kindergarten <br/>32.2.6 Role of the Teacher <br/>32.2.7 Discipline<br/>32.2.8 Student <br/>32.2.9 School<br/>32.3 Contribution of Froebel on Educational Theory and Practice<br/>33. MARIA MONTESSORI (1870-1952): THE SECRET OFCHILDHOOD<br/>33.1 Book's Description<br/>33.2 Maria Montessori's Educational Philosophy<br/>33.3 Educational System of Montessori <br/>33.4 Montessori Methods of Teaching Children<br/>33.5 Principles of Didactic Apparatus<br/>33.6 Types of Didactic Apparatus<br/>33.7 Procedure of the Use of Material<br/>33.8 Children's Home-Meaning and Significance<br/>34. CRITIQUE OF THE CONCEPT OF BEHAVIOURISM & ITS ALTERNATIVES: DIALOGUE, ACTIVITY AND DISCOVERY<br/>34.1 Behaviourism-A Behavioural Psychology <br/>34.2 Two Types of Conditioning<br/>34.3 Criticism of Behaviourism <br/>34.4 Alternatives to Behaviourism in Teaching-Learning Process<br/>34.4.1 Dialogue-An Alternative to Behaviourism <br/>34.4.2 Activity-An Alternative to Behaviourism<br/>34.4.3 Discovery-An Alternative to Behaviourism<br/> |
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Dewey Decimal Classification | Guru Nanak College of Education | Guru Nanak College of Education | 04.02.2022 | 390.00 | 7 | 370.089 914 11 NAN | BED0006572 | 31.01.2023 | 30.01.2023 | 04.02.2022 | Reserve Books Section | |||||
Dewey Decimal Classification | Guru Nanak College of Education | Guru Nanak College of Education | 04.02.2022 | 390.00 | 10 | 370.089 914 11 NAN | BED0006573 | 14.01.2025 | 12.08.2024 | 04.02.2022 | General Books | 1 | ||||
Dewey Decimal Classification | Guru Nanak College of Education | Guru Nanak College of Education | 04.02.2022 | 390.00 | 29 | 370.089 914 11 NAN | BED0006574 | 13.01.2025 | 25.11.2024 | 04.02.2022 | General Books | 1 | ||||
Dewey Decimal Classification | Guru Nanak College of Education | Guru Nanak College of Education | 04.02.2022 | 390.00 | 29 | 370.089 914 11 NAN | BED0006575 | 13.01.2025 | 25.11.2024 | 04.02.2022 | General Books | |||||
Dewey Decimal Classification | Guru Nanak College of Education | Guru Nanak College of Education | 04.02.2022 | 390.00 | 29 | 370.089 914 11 NAN | BED0006576 | 08.01.2025 | 28.11.2024 | 04.02.2022 | General Books | |||||
Dewey Decimal Classification | Guru Nanak College of Education | Guru Nanak College of Education | 04.02.2022 | 390.00 | 29 | 370.089 914 11 NAN | BED0006577 | 13.01.2025 | 27.11.2024 | 04.02.2022 | General Books | |||||
Dewey Decimal Classification | Guru Nanak College of Education | Guru Nanak College of Education | 04.02.2022 | 390.00 | 26 | 370.089 914 11 NAN | BED0006578 | 13.01.2025 | 11.12.2024 | 04.02.2022 | General Books | |||||
Dewey Decimal Classification | Guru Nanak College of Education | Guru Nanak College of Education | 04.02.2022 | 390.00 | 24 | 370.089 914 11 NAN | BED0006579 | 08.01.2025 | 02.12.2024 | 04.02.2022 | General Books | |||||
Dewey Decimal Classification | Guru Nanak College of Education | Guru Nanak College of Education | 04.02.2022 | 390.00 | 19 | 370.089 914 11 NAN | BED0006580 | 15.01.2025 | 27.11.2024 | 04.02.2022 | General Books | |||||
Dewey Decimal Classification | Guru Nanak College of Education | Guru Nanak College of Education | 04.02.2022 | 390.00 | 33 | 370.089 914 11 NAN | BED0006581 | 13.01.2025 | 13.12.2024 | 04.02.2022 | General Books |